posted on 2021-12-17, 04:25authored byKarolina M. Andralojc, Mariano A. Molina, Mengjie Qiu, Bram Spruijtenburg, Menno Rasing, Bernard Pater, Martijn A. Huynen, Bas E. Dutilh, Thomas H. A. Ederveen, Duaa Elmelik, Albert G. Siebers, Diede Loopik, Ruud L. M. Bekkers, William P. J. Leenders, Willem J. G. Melchers
Additional file 7 Dataset File 1. In vitro experiment (.xlsx). First sheet. Part A: mixed bacteria and negative control. Second sheet. Part B: mixed Prevotella spp., Lactobacillus spp., and negative control. Values represent the percentage (%) of reactive smMIPs in each species.
Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación European Research Council