Springer Nature
12864_2017_4083_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx (359.05 kB)

Additional file 7: of Gapless genome assembly of Colletotrichum higginsianum reveals chromosome structure and association of transposable elements with secondary metabolite gene clusters

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posted on 2017-08-29, 05:00 authored by Jean-Félix Dallery, Nicolas Lapalu, Antonios Zampounis, Sandrine Pigné, Isabelle Luyten, Joëlle Amselem, Alexander Wittenberg, Shiguo Zhou, Marisa de Queiroz, Guillaume Robin, Annie Auger, Matthieu Hainaut, Bernard Henrissat, Ki-Tae Kim, Yong-Hwan Lee, Olivier Lespinet, David Schwartz, Michael Thon, Richard O’Connell
Correspondence between old and new gene IDs. (XLSX 359 kb)


Agence Nationale de la Recherche
