Springer Nature
40168_2017_275_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx (14.48 kB)

Additional file 7: Table S6. of Improved detection of gene-microbe interactions in the mouse skin microbiota using high-resolution QTL mapping of 16S rRNA transcripts

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posted on 2017-06-06, 05:00 authored by Meriem Belheouane, Yask Gupta, Sven Künzel, Saleh Ibrahim, John Baines
Estimates of proportions of explained variance by explanatory variables for genus- to phylum-level taxa (RNA). Estimates for random components (cage and residual) and fixed terms (gender and age) are calculated for each of the CMM taxa log10-relative abundances and alpha diversity indices as profiled based on RNA in G15 (n = 270). When taxa are redundant, only the lowest rank is shown. Un: unclassified. (XLSX 14 kb)


German Science Foundation (DFG) grants RTG 1743 “Genes, Environment and Inflammation”
