Springer Nature
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Additional file 7: Figure S1. of Molecular analysis of pediatric brain tumors identifies microRNAs in pilocytic astrocytomas that target the MAPK and NF-κB pathways

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posted on 2015-12-18, 05:00 authored by Tania Jones, Jennie Jeyapalan, Tim Forshew, Ruth Tatevossian, Andrew Lawson, Sheena Patel, Gabriel Doctor, Muhammad Mumin, Simon Picker, Kim Phipps, Antony Michalski, Thomas Jacques, Denise Sheer
RT-qPCR confirms (a) up-regulation of miR-34a, miR-146a, miR-542-3p and miR-503 in pilocytic astrocytomas. (b) low expression of miR-124*, miR-129 and miR-129* in pilocytic astrocytomas. Relative expression shown as Log2 fold change compared to normal adult cerebellum and frontal lobe (normalized to miR-423-3p). Data represent two technical replicates ± SD. (ZIP 516 kb)


The Brain Tumour Charity
