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Additional file 6: of Putative bovine topological association domains and CTCF binding motifs can reduce the search space for causative regulatory variants of complex traits

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posted on 2018-05-24, 05:00 authored by Min Wang, Timothy Hancock, Amanda Chamberlain, Christy Vander Jagt, Jennie Pryce, Benjamin Cocks, Mike Goddard, Benjamin Hayes
Table S5. EGenes are often located within the same TAD as their furthermost and most-significant aseQTL and eQTL. This table provides the results of Chi-Square test. The Chi-Square test was to examine whether the observed frequency of eGene and its linearly-furthermost, and most-significant, aseQTL/eQTL locating in the same TAD was more often than expected. The first column specifies the putative bovine TAD set. The second column specifies the bovine cell type where the aseQTL or eQTL was measured from. A minimum P-value threshold was applied to require the most-significant aseQTL and eQTL passing the P-value threshold in the aseQTL/eQTL mapping, and four P-value thresholds were tested (from 10−5 to 10−8). The expected number of the significant eSNP and eGene within the same TAD was defined as the product among the maximum number of eSNPs in a chromosome analysed during aseQTL or eQTL mapping, the number of eGenes overlapping a TAD in a TAD set, and the P-value threshold that filter the significant aseQTL/eQTL mapping results. The observed number of linearly-furthermost, and most-significant, aseQTL/eQTL and eGene within the same TAD was calculated from the data. The Chi-Square test P-values were all much smaller than 10−8, and were denoted as “<10e-08” in the table. (XLSX 15 kb)


DairyBio Initiative
