Springer Nature
40462_2022_329_MOESM6_ESM.csv (14.38 kB)

Additional file 6 of A 30,000-km journey by Apus apus pekinensis tracks arid lands between northern China and south-western Africa

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posted on 2022-06-30, 08:17 authored by Yanyan Zhao, Xinru Zhao, Lan Wu, Tong Mu, Fang Yu, Lyndon Kearsley, Xuan Liang, Jianping Fu, Xiaoru Hou, Peng Peng, Xiaoyang Li, Tao Zhang, Su Yan, Dick Newell, Chris M. Hewson, Terry Townshend, Susanne Åkesson, Yang Liu
Additional file 6. Table S9. List of random samples and monthly precipitation (mm) during the wintering season.


SHAN SHUI Conservation Centre Swedish Research Council British Trust for Ornithology Action for Swifts Migrate Technology Ltd.
