Springer Nature
12866_2016_850_MOESM6_ESM.xlsx (50.83 kB)

Additional file 6: Table S1. of Crystal structure and DNA binding activity of a PadR family transcription regulator from hypervirulent Clostridium difficile R20291

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posted on 2016-10-04, 05:00 authored by Catherine Isom, Smita Menon, Leonard Thomas, Ann West, George Richter-Addo, Elizabeth Karr
Full list of oligonucleotides that were annealed and used in EMSA studies with cdPadR1. The .xlsx file includes the arbitrary number assigned to each oligonucleotide (column A); the genomic placement of the minimum nucleotide (column B); length in base pairs (bp, column C); indication of binding (+) or no binding detected (-) (column D); locus tag associated with the gene downstream of the oligonucleotide (column E); the annotated gene downstream of the oligonucleotide (column F); and the oligonucleotide sequence 5′ to 3′ (column G). (XLSX 50 kb)


Price Family Foundation
