Springer Nature
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Additional file 6: Table S15. of Comprehensive promoter level expression quantitative trait loci analysis of the human frontal lobe

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posted on 2016-06-10, 05:00 authored by Cornelis Blauwendraat, Margherita Francescatto, J. Gibbs, Iris Jansen, Javier Simรณn-Sรกnchez, Dena Hernandez, Allissa Dillman, Andrew Singleton, Mark Cookson, Patrizia Rizzu, Peter Heutink
All identified trans eQTL variants. List of all trans eQTL identified in this study including details for CAGE-cluster and SNPs chromosomal positions, FDR values, and information about co-occurrence of trans and cis-eQTLs. (XLSX 1110 kb)
