posted on 2020-08-29, 03:48authored byPaul J. Hop, René Luijk, Lucia Daxinger, Maarten van Iterson, Koen F. Dekkers, Rick Jansen, Joyce B. J. van Meurs, Peter A. C. ’t Hoen, M. Arfan Ikram, Marleen M. J. van Greevenbroek, Dorret I. Boomsma, P. Eline Slagboom, Jan H. Veldink, Erik W. van Zwet, Bastiaan T. Heijmans
Additional file 5: Table S4. Associations between GIs and trans CpGs that remained significant (P < 1.4 x 10-11) after taking LD/pleiotropy among neighboring genes into account and that were insensitive to additional tests of the underlying assumptions of the analyses. This is the final dataset that was used for further analyses.
BBMRI-NL Netherlands CardioVascular Research Initiative