Springer Nature

Additional file 5 of Dissection of transcriptome dysregulation and immune characterization in women with germline BRCA1 mutation at single-cell resolution

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posted on 2022-09-09, 06:32 authored by Xuexin Yu, Wanrun Lin, Alexandra Spirtos, Yan Wang, Hao Chen, Jianfeng Ye, Jessica Parker, Ci Ci Liu, Yiying Wang, Gabriella Quinn, Feng Zhou, Setsuko K. Chambers, Cheryl Lewis, Jayanthi Lea, Bo Li, Wenxin Zheng
Additional file 5: Table S4. IHC staining results of SFRP4 and DCN.


Mark and Jane Gibson Endowment National Cancer Institute CPRIT Patricia Dunivan Fletcher Distinguished Professorship in Gynecologic Oncology
