Springer Nature
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Additional file 5: Table S4. of Single-cell profiling of human gliomas reveals macrophage ontogeny as a basis for regional differences in macrophage activation in the tumor microenvironment

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posted on 2017-12-20, 05:00 authored by SĂśren MĂźller, Gary Kohanbash, S. Liu, Beatriz Alvarado, Diego Carrera, Aparna Bhaduri, Payal Watchmaker, Garima Yagnik, Elizabeth Di Lullo, Martina Malatesta, Nduka Amankulor, Arnold Kriegstein, Daniel Lim, Manish Aghi, Hideho Okada, Aaron Diaz
Markers of macrophage ontogeny. The 66 lineage-specific genes identified in Fig. 3. (XLSX 9 kb)


The Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation
