Springer Nature
13058_2017_905_MOESM5_ESM.xls (46.5 kB)

Additional file 5: Table S3. of Proteomic profiling of breast cancer metabolism identifies SHMT2 and ASCT2 as prognostic factors

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posted on 2017-10-11, 05:00 authored by Stephan Bernhardt, Michaela BayerlovĂĄ, Martina Vetter, Astrid Wachter, Devina Mitra, Volker Hanf, Tilmann Lantzsch, Christoph Uleer, Susanne Peschel, Jutta John, JĂśrg Buchmann, Edith Weigert, Karl-Friedrich BĂźrrig, Christoph Thomssen, Ulrike Korf, Tim Beissbarth, Stefan Wiemann, Eva Kantelhardt
Correlation between key target expression and patients and tumor characteristics. (XLS 46 kb)


German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
