Springer Nature
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Additional file 4: of Metagenomes and metatranscriptomes shed new light on the microbial-mediated sulfur cycle in a Siberian soda lake

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posted on 2019-08-23, 04:25 authored by Charlotte Vavourakis, Maliheh Mehrshad, Cherel Balkema, Rutger Hall, Adrian-Ştefan Andrei, Rohit Ghai, Dimitry Sorokin, Gerard Muyzer
Dataset 1. Metrics and Genbank accession numbers on the obtained metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs). The total size of the MAG (Mb), the number of contains (# Contigs), the contig N50 (kb), maximum contig length (kb), estimated mean coverage, average G+C mol%, total number of 5S, 16S and 23S rRNAs, total number of tRNAs and estimated percentages of CheckM-completeness (Compl), CheckM-contamination (Cont), and strain heterogeneity (Str het) are given. The final given name used for the Genbank submission (NCBI organism name) was derived from the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDP) classification according to [89] and where possible verified with the 16S rRNA gene classification according to the SILVA database (see column “Proposed name (GTDB)”). For the latter, BLAST results are reported: taxonomy of the best hit, identity with this best hit (%), e value of the match, the length of the query (number of nucleotides), and the coverage with the hit (%). (XLSX 182 kb)


European Research Council
