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Additional file 4 of A risk-associated Active transcriptome phenotype expressed by histologically normal human breast tissue and linked to a pro-tumorigenic adipocyte population

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posted on 2020-08-01, 07:12 authored by Taekyu Kang, Christina Yau, Christopher K. Wong, John Z. Sanborn, Yulia Newton, Charlie Vaske, Stephen C. Benz, Gregor Krings, Roman Camarda, Jill E. Henry, Josh Stuart, Mark Powell, Christopher C. Benz
Additional file 4: Supplement Table 3. Rank ordered GSEA ( www.gsea-msigdb.org/gsea ) analysis showing 186 gene sets upregulated (from total set of 18,408 gene sets) in the batch-integrated Active vs. Inactive transcriptome samples, at FDR ≤ 10%. Also shown are their individual nominal p-values, FDR q-values, their gene set size, and the 21 (11.2%) that are specifically involved in adipose-associated pathways.


National Cancer Institute National Institute on Aging
