Springer Nature
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Additional file 4: Table S2. of Enhanced transcriptomic responses in the Pacific salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis oncorhynchi to the non-native Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar suggests increased parasite fitness

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posted on 2017-01-30, 05:00 authored by Laura Braden, Ben Sutherland, Ben Koop, Simon Jones
Gene Ontology enrichment of the host-specific feeding response in L. salmonis. Functional enrichment of DEGs from Atlantic-fed compared to either Coho-fed or Sockeye-fed lice at 24 and 48 hpi, and from either Coho-fed or Sockeye-fed lice compared to Atlantic-fed lice at 24 hpi. (XLSX 11 kb)


Fisheries and Oceans Canada
