Springer Nature

Additional file 3 of Runs of homozygosity in the Italian goat breeds: impact of management practices in low-input systems

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posted on 2021-12-12, 04:15 authored by Matteo Cortellari, Arianna Bionda, Alessio Negro, Stefano Frattini, Salvatore Mastrangelo, Elisa Somenzi, Emiliano Lasagna, Francesca M. Sarti, Elena Ciani, Roberta Ciampolini, Donata Marletta, Luigi Liotta, Paolo Ajmone Marsan, Fabio Pilla, Licia Colli, Andrea Talenti, Paola Crepaldi
Additional file 3: Table S1. List of the genes identified by the analyses of the signatures of selection: top 1% homozygosity score in CSD and NRD groups, ΔROH, and averaged FST. CSD = Central-southern population group; NRD = Northern population group.
