Springer Nature

Additional file 3: of High-quality genetic mapping with ddRADseq in the non-model tree Quercus rubra

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posted on 2017-05-30, 05:00 authored by Arpita Konar, Olivia Choudhury, Rebecca Bullis, Lauren Fiedler, Jacqueline Kruser, Melissa Stephens, Oliver Gailing, Scott Schlarbaum, Mark Coggeshall, Margaret Staton, John Carlson, Scott Emrich, Jeanne Romero-Severson
Q. rubra mapped markers and associated data. The table shows all of the mapped framework and SNP markers, the cM distances between them, marker category, position on the Q. rubra linkage group, the sequence in which the marker occurs and the genotypes for the 217 full-sib progeny used for mapping. (XLSX 890 kb)


National Science Foundation
