Springer Nature
12870_2017_981_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx (17.03 kB)

Additional file 3: of Diversity analysis of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) germplasm using the CottonSNP63K Array

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posted on 2017-02-03, 05:00 authored by Lori Hinze, Amanda Hulse-Kemp, Iain Wilson, Qian-Hao Zhu, Danny Llewellyn, Jen Taylor, Andrew Spriggs, David Fang, Mauricio Ulloa, John Burke, Marc Giband, Jean-Marc Lacape, Allen Van Deynze, Joshua Udall, Jodi Scheffler, Steve Hague, Jonathan Wendel, Alan Pepper, James Frelichowski, Cindy Lawley, Don Jones, Richard Percy, David Stelly
Individual matrices with numbers of different and identical SNPs for entries with the same name. These values were extracted directly from Additional file 5. Values above the diagonal represent the count of homozygous differences between pairs of samples. Values below the diagonal represent the number of identical SNPs genotyped between pairs. Heterozygous SNPs within samples were not counted in the number of differences between samples. SNP numbers were determined using all SNPs on the CottonSNP63K array. Five samples are included here that were identified as outliers and not used in the diversity analysis. (XLSX 17 kb)


Cotton Incorporated
