Springer Nature
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Additional file 3: of Diversification of cytokinin phosphotransfer signaling genes in Medicago truncatula and other legume genomes

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posted on 2019-05-14, 05:00 authored by Sovanna Tan, Frédéric Debellé, Pascal Gamas, Florian Frugier, Mathias Brault
List of putative ethylene receptors in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, Vitis vinifera and all studied legumes. For each chromosomal locus, the TCS protein name, as well as a previously published name when available, the protein length, the A. thaliana most closely related protein, and the conserved domains are listed. a [12]; b [99]; c [94]. (XLS 42 kb)


Université Paris-Saclay
