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Additional file 3: of Bortezomib treatment induces a higher mortality rate in lupus model mice with a higher disease activity

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posted on 2017-08-11, 05:00 authored by Tomoko Ikeda, Hiroshi Fujii, Masato Nose, Yukiko Kamogawa, Tsuyoshi Shirai, Yuko Shirota, Tomonori Ishii, Hideo Harigae
is a table presenting significantly increased or decreased genes among the proteasome ubiquitin pathway, GADD45 signaling, and DNA damage induced 14-3-3 signaling. The genes which were significantly increased with Bz treatment and belong to the gene set of the proteasome ubiquitin pathway, and the genes which were significantly increased with Cyc treatment and belong to the gene set of GADD45 signaling and DNA damage induced 14-3-3 signaling were extracted with IPA analysis. (XLSX 10 kb)
