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Additional file 3 of A risk-associated Active transcriptome phenotype expressed by histologically normal human breast tissue and linked to a pro-tumorigenic adipocyte population

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posted on 2020-08-01, 07:12 authored by Taekyu Kang, Christina Yau, Christopher K. Wong, John Z. Sanborn, Yulia Newton, Charlie Vaske, Stephen C. Benz, Gregor Krings, Roman Camarda, Jill E. Henry, Josh Stuart, Mark Powell, Christopher C. Benz
Additional file 3: Supplement Table 2. RNAseq cancer gene hotspot mutations detected in 151 KTB samples. Sheet 1 identifies the > 5100 unthresholded cancer mutation hotspot calls from the KTB RNAseq analysis occurring in the combined set of MSK-IMPACT curated cancer hotspot clinical targets [10] and the experimentally determined RNAseq identified set of expressed cancer gene hotspot mutations within > 6700 normal GTEx human tissue samples as recently described [11]. Sheet 2 (“normal_breast_rna.getz_list.092”) lists only those > 1760 cancer gene hotspot mutations from sheet 1 meeting the threshold mutation likelihood score > 5, while sheets 3 and 4 list the thresholded hotspot mutations according to F and P sample batches with each sample phenotyped as either Active or Inactive. Sheet 5 is a sample key mapping all KTB identification numbers, barcodes, and UUID numbers pertaining to the RNAseq results and cancer gene hotspot mutation calls. Of note, Fig. 2 panels (“Breast sample scatterplots and TumorMaps of RNA expressed cancer hotspot mutations”) include plots derived from the curated and thresholded hotspot mutations as listed in sheet 2.


National Cancer Institute National Institute on Aging
