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Additional file 3: Table S3. of The PBMC transcriptome profile after intake of oxidized versus high-quality fish oil: an explorative study in healthy subjects

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posted on 2016-05-31, 05:00 authored by Mari Myhrstad, Inger Ottestad, Clara-Cecilie Gßnther, Einar Ryeng, Marit Holden, Astrid Nilsson, Kirsti Brønner, Achim Kohler, Grethe Borge, Kirsten Holven, Stine Ulven
GSEA analyses applied on the genes defined as expressed in PBMCs (21,236) for comparison of the transcriptome profile between the two groups oxFO vs FO. Gene sets in the C5 bp collection were used. ES enrichment score, NES normalized enrichment score. (XLSX 25 kb)
