Springer Nature
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Additional file 3: Table S14. of Wound healing, calcium signaling, and other novel pathways are associated with the formation of butterfly eyespots

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posted on 2017-10-16, 05:00 authored by Nesibe Özsu, Antónia Monteiro
Blast2GO annotations for up-regulated genes associated with eyespots. Table S15. Blast2GO annotations for down-regulated genes associated with eyespots. Table S16. Blast2GO annotations for up-regulated sector-specific transcripts in M3 versus Cu1 wing sector. Table S17. Blast2GO annotations for down-regulated sector-specific transcripts in M3 versus Cu1 wing sector. Table S18. Blast2GO annotations for up-regulated genes in female versus male eyespots. Table S19. Blast2GO annotations for down-regulated genes in female versus male eyespots. Each table is in a different tab. (XLSX 82 kb)


Ministry of Education - Singapore
