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Additional file 2 of Sperm competition risk drives plasticity in seminal fluid composition

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Version 2 2020-08-27, 12:21
Version 1 2016-12-15, 03:39
posted on 2020-08-27, 12:21 authored by Steven A. Ramm, Dominic A. Edward, Amy J. Claydon, Dean E. Hammond, Philip Brownridge, Jane L. Hurst, Robert J. Beynon, Paula Stockley
A summary of the proteomics data analysis from Progenesis QI with abundances normalised using only 31 ejaculated proteins. Progenesis QI html report file for the proteins identified and quantified across the four treatment groups. At the top of the file is a summary table of the protein-level average normalised abundances, ranked according to Mascot protein database search score. This is followed by peptide-level abundances, in tabular form, for each protein, on a protein-by-protein basis. Data are split by treatment groups according to high or low sperm competition risk, and high or low potential mating rate. At the bottom of the report file are plots summarizing the between treatment group abundance data, at protein level. Those proteins ‘tagged’ with a red or green circle are those that were significantly changing in abundance between the treatment groups, according to ANOVA tests at p < 0.05 or p < 0.01 (respectively). Also included are the Top3 protein abundances, normalised to the 31 ejaculated proteins, in a .csv file. (ZIP 4957 kb)


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