Springer Nature

Additional file 2: of Smoking induces coordinated DNA methylation and gene expression changes in adipose tissue with consequences for metabolic health

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posted on 2018-10-20, 05:00 authored by Pei-Chien Tsai, Craig Glastonbury, Melissa Eliot, Sailalitha Bollepalli, Idil Yet, Juan Castillo-Fernandez, Elena Carnero-Montoro, Thomas Hardiman, Tiphaine Martin, Alice Vickers, Massimo Mangino, Kirsten Ward, Kirsi Pietiläinen, Panos Deloukas, Tim Spector, Ana Viùuela, Eric Loucks, Miina Ollikainen, Karl Kelsey, Kerrin Small, Jordana Bell
Table S1. Four smoking-induced differentially methylated and expressed genes in blood samples. Table S2. Validation of 14 tissue-shared smoking-DMS across four sample types. Table S3. Replication of the 42 smoking-DMS in the LEAP cohort [39] with 104 current smokers and non-smokers. Table S4. Previously-identified smoking genetic variants and their impacts on DNA methylation and gene expression in adipose tissue. Table S5. DNA methylation QTL (meQTLs) analyses at the chromosome 19 region from Loukola et al. [43], showing replication in TwinsUK adipose tissue samples. Table S6. Characteristics of TwinsUK (adipose tissue, blood samples, and skin tissue [34]), Finnish cohort [74, 75], LEAP cohort [39], and lung cancer [76] samples. (XLSX 43 kb)


Economic and Social Research Council
