Springer Nature
12859_2017_1722_MOESM2_ESM.zip (31.55 kB)

Additional file 2 of SBMLmod: a Python-based web application and web service for efficient data integration and model simulation

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posted on 2017-06-24, 05:00 authored by Sascha Schäuble, Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Mathias Bockwoldt, Pål Puntervoll, Ines Heiland
S2 — example files. Zipped example files usable to review specific data file format or to check SBMLmod web application and service functionality. These files resemble the first use case with 32 tissues in the manuscript. Note that mapping files, the SBML model and the data file limited to 10 tissues, can also be downloaded from the web application ( http://sbmlmod.uit.no ) using the download link at the lower part of the webpage under ‘Example Files’. (ZIP 32 kb)


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