Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: of Protocol for pilot cluster RCT of project respect: a school-based intervention to prevent dating and relationship violence and address health inequalities among young people

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posted on 2019-01-22, 05:00 authored by Rebecca Meiksin, Elizabeth Allen, Joanna Crichton, Gemma Morgan, Christine Barter, Diana Elbourne, Kate Hunt, G. Melendez-Torres, Steve Morris, H. Reyes, Joanna Sturgess, Bruce Taylor, Honor Young, Rona Campbell, Chris Bonell
Consent Forms and Information Sheets for interviews with students in intervention schools. These reflect the structure and content of such documents used for the data collection activities conducted throughout the study. Separate Consent Forms and Information Sheets were developed for each recruitment and data collection activity, yielding a total of 44 such documents. For data collection involving students, separate Information Sheets were developed for students and for their parents/guardians. The Consent Forms and Information Sheets not included in this file are available upon request. (ZIP 1209 kb)


Public Health Research Programme
