Additional file 2 of Intestinal region-specific Wnt signalling profiles reveal interrelation between cell identity and oncogenic pathway activity in cancer development
posted on 2020-12-04, 04:29authored byRonja S. Adam, Sanne M. van Neerven, Cayetano Pleguezuelos-Manzano, Salvatore Simmini, Nicolas Léveillé, Nina E. de Groot, Andrew N. Holding, Florian Markowetz, Louis Vermeulen
Additional file 2. Location signatures are downregulated upon Wnt activation. Genes depicted in Fig. 2A are provided in a table format with compiled log2 fold changes (l2FC) (n = 3) for each location separately. The comparison of the wt samples of prSI, diSI or colon to all other locations’ wt samples retrieved the most significantly (Wald-Test) upregulated genes categorized as internal location (int. loc.) marker genes. Corresponding log2 fold changes are listed under l2FC.loc for all locations. External location (ext. loc.) marker genes were previously reported to be specific to intestinal divisions [20, 33] or specifically enriched in the intestine based on the Human Protein Atlas [34–37]. Cell type marker genes were previously reported to be specific to differentiated intestinal cells [38–40]. The downregulation of location and differentiation markers upon Wnt activation can be appreciated in the separately calculated log2 fold changes (Cβ/wt) listed under l2FC.ctn.vs.wt. NA values correspond to expression below detection in either condition or a non-mappable gene symbol from literature.
KWF Kankerbestrijding Worldwide Cancer Research Maag Lever Darm Stichting H2020 European Research Council ZonMw Maurits en Anna de Kock Stichting Cancer Research UK