Springer Nature
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Additional file 2: of Differential responses of the gut transcriptome to plant protein diets in farmed Atlantic salmon

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posted on 2016-02-29, 05:00 authored by Elżbieta Król, Alex Douglas, Douglas Tocher, Viv Crampton, John Speakman, Christopher Secombes, Samuel Martin
List of RNA targets differentially expressed in distal gut of Atlantic salmon fed plant protein diets, relative to control fish meal (FM) diet, with cut-off criteria of adjusted P- value < 0.2 and absolute Log 2 fold change ≥ 0.5 (equal to absolute fold change ≥ 1.4). Plant-protein diets were enriched with either soy protein concentrate (SPC), bean protein concentrate (BPC), both SPC and BPC or soybean meal (SBM). Fish RNA targets were mapped to human orthologs (HGNC gene names and symbols) using Ensembl database (BLASTX, E-value < 0.001). The fold changes of the redundant RNA targets were averaged to provide a gene fold change. (XLSX 335 kb)


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