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Additional file 2 of Degradation pathways for organic matter of terrestrial origin are widespread and expressed in Arctic Ocean microbiomes

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posted on 2023-04-13, 13:07 authored by Thomas Grevesse, Céline Guéguen, Vera E. Onana, David A. Walsh
Additional file 2: Table S1. Metadata and physicochemical properties of the samples collected for this study. Table S2. List of metabolic pathways (obtained from metacyc) involved in the degradation of lignin-derived aromatic compounds and their EC numbers. KO numbers, protein names and enzyme functions information is included for reactions identified as markers for these pathways. Table S3. Properties of the 46 MAGs most implicated in the degradation of aromatic compounds. Genome size, completeness, contamination, N50 values, number of genes and GC content were obtained using CheckM. The GTDB taxonomy was obtained using the nearest placement in a phylogenetic tree with the GTDBTk. The NCBI taxonomy was obtained using the nearest placement in a phylogenetic tree with CheckM.Table S4. Information and sources of genomes from other studies used in this study. Table S5. Properties of the 16 Alphaproteobacteria MAGs most implicated in the degradation of aromatic compounds and representative of the genomospecies, as well as the 12 publicly available genomes identified as their closest relatives. Table S6. Data availability.


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
