Springer Nature
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Additional file 2 of An accessible, efficient and global approach for the large-scale sequencing of bacterial genomes

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posted on 2021-12-21, 04:35 authored by Blanca M. Perez-Sepulveda, Darren Heavens, Caisey V. Pulford, Alexander V. Predeus, Ross Low, Hermione Webster, Gregory F. Dykes, Christian Schudoma, Will Rowe, James Lipscombe, Chris Watkins, Benjamin Kumwenda, Neil Shearer, Karl Costigan, Kate S. Baker, Nicholas A. Feasey, Jay C. D. Hinton, Neil Hall
Additional file 2: Includes supplementary tables S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5. Table S1. Metadata template form. Table S2. Optimization of bacterial thermolysates generation and DNA extraction. Table S3. Metadata for sequenced isolates, including bioinformatic stats for Salmonella genomes. Table S4. Bespoke 9 bp barcodes for library construction using the LITE pipeline. Table S5. European Nucleotide Archive accession numbers.


Global Challenges Research Fund Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Wellcome Trust
