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Additional file 2 of A novel approach to co-expression network analysis identifies modules and genes relevant for moulting and development in the Atlantic salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

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posted on 2021-11-18, 04:42 authored by Zhaoran Zhou, Christiane Eichner, Frank Nilsen, Inge Jonassen, Michael Dondrup
Additional file 2 Table S1: Homologues-based transcript-phenotype list Table S2-S3: Analysis results for the modules in the middle network and moulting network, including module size, enriched GO terms with smallest p-values, p-values of enrichment analyses based on homologues, module preservation Zsummary, number of known moulting-associated genes, proportion of TF and DE genes. Table S4: Analysis results for the modules in the global network, including module size, enriched GO terms with smallest p-values, p-values of enrichment analyses based on homologues, regularized logistic regression coefficients, number of known moulting-associated genes, proportion of TF and DE genes. Table S5-S7: Module assignment results for the known moulting-associated transcripts in the middle, moulting and global network; the ranks of these transcripts based on three types of centrality measurements within modules; whether they were intramodular hubs or not. Table S8: Two types of RIF scores for the transcripts annotated as transcription factors Table S9-S11: Centrality measurements, average ranks and annotations for the nodes in three selected modules (yellowgreen, steelblue and violet). Table S12: Annotations of the nodes with highest average ranks from the selected modules. Table S13: Available RNAi results for nodes from the eight selected important modules and nodes with high average ranks from modules without passing any criteria.


Research Council of Norway, SFI-Sea Lice Research Centre Research Council of Norway, ELIXIR2


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