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Additional file 2: Table S1. of Analysis of transcripts differentially expressed between fruited and deflowered ‘Gala’ adult trees: a contribution to biennial bearing understanding in apple

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posted on 2016-02-29, 05:00 authored by B. Guitton, J. Kelner, J. Celton, X. Sabau, J. Renou, D. Chagné, E. Costes
List of genes and primers used for real-time quantitative PCR analyses. Table S2. Genomic position of the genetic markers of the ‘Starkrimson’ x ‘Granny Smith’ apple genetic map [35]. Table S3. Genomic position of the QTL related to biennial bearing using the ‘Starkrimson’ x ‘Granny Smith’ apple genetic map [25, 35]. Table S4. Significance of the effect estimated by ANOVA for each apple gene studied by qRT‐PCR. Table S5. Significance of the difference of relative expression between apple trees inhibiting flowering (‘ON’) and trees initiating flowering (‘OFF’) for each studied gene and at each date. Table S6. Number of genes, mean and standard error per group of genes with a differential expression at least one time of the three sampled dates. Table S7. Gene ontology (GO) categorization of genes differentially expressed in apical buds of apple trees inhibiting flowering (‘ON’) or initiating flowering (‘OFF’) at day 131 (A), 151 (B) and 222 (C). Table S8. List of apple genes showing significant differential expression at day 131 (A), 151 (B) and 222 (C). Table S9. Genomic position of the genes expressed differentially in apple trees inhibiting flowering (‘ON’) and trees initiating flowering (‘OFF’) on the ‘Golden Delicious’ genome. Table S10. List of genes showing significant differential expression between apple trees inhibiting flowering (‘ON’) and trees initiating flowering (‘OFF’) at least one of the three dates of the experiment and located within QTL intervals for traits related to biennial bearing using the ‘Starkrimson’ x ‘Granny Smith’ genetic map [25, 35]. (XLS 1000 kb)


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