Springer Nature

Additional file 1 of VarGoats project: a dataset of 1159 whole-genome sequences to dissect Capra hircus global diversity

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posted on 2021-11-09, 04:57 authored by Laure Denoyelle, Estelle Talouarn, Philippe Bardou, Licia Colli, Adriana Alberti, Coralie Danchin, Marcello Del Corvo, Stéfan Engelen, Céline Orvain, Isabelle Palhière, Rachel Rupp, Julien Sarry, Mazdak Salavati, Marcel Amills, Emily Clark, Paola Crepaldi, Thomas Faraut, Clet Wandui Masiga, François Pompanon, Benjamin D. Rosen, Alessandra Stella, Curtis P. Van Tassell, Gwenola Tosser-Klopp
Additional file 1: Table S1. Number of individuals per breed and country of origin. Distribution of sequenced individuals per breed and description of the abbreviations corresponding to each population.


France Génomique “Call for high impact projects” APIS-GENE Région Occitanie Département de Génétique Animale, INRAE Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation Illuminating Engineering Society Département de Génatique Animale, INRAE CRB-Anim Italian Goat and Sheep Breeders Association Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council USAID Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Department for International Development
