posted on 2021-05-19, 03:30authored byMalte Borggrewe, Susanne M. Kooistra, Evelyn M. Wesseling, Fenja L. Gierschek, Maaike L. Brummer, Elizabeth C. Nowak, Tiago Medeiros-Furquim, Tegan A. Otto, Sam W. Lee, Randolph J. Noelle, Bart J. L. Eggen, Jon D. Laman
Additional file 1. Extended data containing Tables S1-S5. Table S1. Information on MS patients. Table S2. Morphometric features of individual cells. Table S3. Genes in published microglia gene sets. Table S4. Normcounts and differential gene expression in LPS experiment. Table S5. Normcounts and differential gene expression in EAEexperiment
Stichting Zabawas Stichting MS Research Stichting De Cock-Hadders