Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Transplantation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells improves cognitive deficits and alleviates neuropathology in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease: a meta-analytic review on potential mechanisms

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posted on 2020-05-28, 03:39 authored by Chuan Qin, Yalan Lu, Kewei Wang, Lin Bai, Guiying Shi, Yiying Huang, Yongning Li
Additional file 1: Table 1. Stem cell transplantation for the treatment of Alzheimer’ disease. Present study utilized keywords “Alzheimer’s disease” and “stem cell transplantation” to identify literature. The supplementary table further scrutinized relevant information of stem cell transplantation in different animal models.


Beijing Natural Science Foundation National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (CN) CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences
