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Additional file 1 of Transcriptome analysis reveals the high temperature induced damage is a significant factor affecting the osmotic function of gill tissue in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)

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posted on 2023-04-13, 11:27 authored by Shiyong Yang, Datian Li, Langkun Feng, Chaoyang Zhang, Dandan Xi, Hongli Liu, Chaozhan Yan, Zihan Xu, Yujie Zhang, Yunkun Li, Taiming Yan, Zhi He, Jiayun Wu, Quan Gong, Jun Du, Xiaoli Huang, Xiaogang Du
Additional file 1: Fig.S1. Temperature control Day1 to 7: temperature acclimation; Day7 to 14: Reaching targeted temperature. Day15 to 27: Summer water temperature exposure. Fig. S2. DEGs analysis. (A, B) DEGs analyzed in 24℃-vs-20℃. (C, D) DEGs in 28℃-vs-20℃. Each dot represents one gene. Red dots represent up-regulated genes and blue dots represent down-regulated genes. Gray dots represent genes with no differential expression. Fig. S3. KEGG pathway of osmoregulation DEGs. (A) 24℃-vs-20℃. (B) 28℃-vs-20℃. Table S1. The sequence quality and mapping results in the nine samples.
