Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Surveillance of catheter-associated bloodstream infections: development and validation of a fully automated algorithm

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posted on 2024-04-11, 03:41 authored by Gaud Catho, Loïc Fortchantre, Daniel Teixeira, Murielle Galas-Haddad, Filippo Boroli, Marie-Noëlle Chraïti, Mohamed Abbas, Stephan Harbarth, Niccolò Buetti
Additional file 1: Suppl Figure 1. Proportion of the 5 most frequent pathogens by type of episode (CRBSI, CLABSI, ICU-BSI and All BSI). Suppl Table 1. List of specimens considered in the CLABSI and CRBSI definition.


University of Geneva
