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Additional file 1 of Sulfur-cycling chemolithoautotrophic microbial community dominates a cold, anoxic, hypersaline Arctic spring

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posted on 2023-09-12, 03:23 authored by Elisse Magnuson, Ianina Altshuler, Nastasia J. Freyria, Richard J. Leveille, Lyle G. Whyte
Additional file 1: Figure S1.a. Photograph of GH-4 primary outlet and downstream channels (July 2019). A fine layer of gypsum coats the area around the springs. b. Location of the Gypsum Hill springs on Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut, Canada (indicated with red dot). Map generated in QGIS with the Natural Earth dataset. c. Photograph of the Gypsum Hill springs area in which GH-4 is located. Photos: E. Magnuson. Figure S2. Phylogenetic tree of DsrAB sequences. Figure S3. Phylogenetic tree of DsrA sequences. Figure S4. Phylogenetic tree of DsrB sequences. Figure S5. Phylogenetic trees of DsrA and DsrB sequences. Figure S6. Relative abundance of reads in the metagenome and metatranscriptome classified by Kaiju using the NCBI non-redundant database (nr_euk). Relative abundance was averaged between replicates for both the metagenome and metatranscriptome. Figure S7. Level of taxonomic novelty of ASVs (2,885 ASVs in total). Figure S8. Spearman’s rank correlation of the top 50 most abundant taxa in the subset of thirteen 16S rRNA gene sequencing data sets with environmental parameters. Metadata for this plot is located in Table S4. Figure S9. NMDS plot with Bray Curtis dissimilarity matrix for 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequences from GH and comparable environments. Metadata for this plot is located in Table S4. Table S1. Physical and chemical parameters in GH-4. Table S2. Sequencing library statistics. Table S3. Metagenome co-assembly statistics. Table S4. Metadata for amplicon metagenome libraries used in beta diversity analysis. Table S5. Taxonomic count table used for beta diversity analysis. Table S6. List of contigs in each MAG. Table S7. MAG supplemental information. Table S8. Taxonomic classification of genes of interest with mapped transcripts. Table S9. Gene content of MAGs. Table S10. Relative expression of genes of interest in MAGs. Table S11. Total tpm per genome feature product ID. Table S12. Gene counts and relative expression of genes of interest in the metagenome. Table S13. Complete BLAST output of elemental sulfur reduction proteins queried against Desulfuromusa sp. GH17. Table S14. Relative expression of all genes.
