Additional file 1 of Shining the spotlight on the neglected: new high-quality genome assemblies as a gateway to understanding the evolution of Trypanosomatidae
posted on 2023-08-22, 03:22authored byAmanda T. S. Albanaz, Mark Carrington, Alexander O. Frolov, Anna I. Ganyukova, Evgeny S. Gerasimov, Alexei Y. Kostygov, Julius Lukeš, Marina N. Malysheva, Jan Votýpka, Alexandra Zakharova, Kristína Záhonová, Sara L. Zimmer, Vyacheslav Yurchenko, Anzhelika Butenko
Additional file 1. Genome and transcriptome sequencing and assembly statistics. The genomes of C. fasciculata Cf-Cl, L. major Friedlin, T. brucei brucei TREU927 and V. ingenoplastis COLPROT021 are used for comparative purposes.
e-INFRA CZ Russian Science Foundation Grantová Agentura České Republiky European Regional Funds