Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Serum protein biomarkers for juvenile dermatomyositis: a pilot study

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posted on 2020-10-01, 04:08 authored by Shefa M. Tawalbeh, Wilfredo Marin, Gabrielle A. Morgan, Utkarsh J. Dang, Yetrib Hathout, Lauren M. Pachman
Additional file 1 Table S1. List of serum protein biomarkers that were altered in their levels in JDM patients relative to the heathy controls using SomaScan® technology, along with their response to treatment. For JDM associated biomarkers, data is presented as an average of Log2 transformed RFU values for each protein in untreated JDM (n = 8) and healthy controls (n = 12) and the fold change are given as Log2 fold change or raw RFU fold change JDM relative to controls. For longitudinal analysis of drug responsive biomarkers, data represents the average values for 7 pre and post treated JDM patients labeled as U-JDM (untreated JDM) and treated JDM. Biomarkers that responded to treatment are listed under column N as “normalized” while biomarkers that did not responded to treatment are listed as “Did not significantly respond”.


Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Small Business Innovation Research
