Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Reliable wolf-dog hybrid detection in Europe using a reduced SNP panel developed for non-invasively collected samples

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posted on 2021-06-26, 03:47 authored by Jenni Harmoinen, Alina von Thaden, Jouni Aspi, Laura Kvist, Berardino Cocchiararo, Anne Jarausch, Andrea Gazzola, Teodora Sin, Hannes Lohi, Marjo K. Hytönen, Ilpo Kojola, Astrid Vik Stronen, Romolo Caniglia, Federica Mattucci, Marco Galaverni, Raquel Godinho, Aritz Ruiz-González, Ettore Randi, Violeta Muñoz-Fuentes, Carsten Nowak
Additional file 1: Table S1. Comparison of non-invasive samples to the consensus of corresponding invasive samples. Corresponding samples are on the same row. False allele: an allele seen in non-invasive sample but not in corresponding invasive sample; Missing allele: an allele seen in invasive sample but not detected in the corresponding non-invasive sample; Missing data: sample didn’t produce readable genotype, Hom: homozygous, Het: heterozygous.


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