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Additional file 1 of Genomic approaches to trace the history of human brain evolution with an emerging opportunity for transposon profiling of ancient humans

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posted on 2021-10-19, 03:30 authored by Yilan Wang, Boxun Zhao, Jaejoon Choi, Eunjung Alice Lee
Additional file 1: previous_studies_with_ancient_data.xlsx. Table S1. Genome-wide aDNA data in addition to those curated in Marciniak and Perry Nat Rev Genet 2017. Table S2. Summary of genome-wide aDNA studies by year of publication and geographic region. The authors apologize for any accidental omissions of published ancient human or archaic hominin genomic data sets. These data are otherwise intended to be current as of December 2020. SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism; WGS, whole-genome sequencing. * > 1× indicates an average coverage greater than 1-fold. ** > 5× indicates an average coverage greater than 5-fold. ‡Geographic region definitions: - Central Europe: Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Serbia, Slovakia. - Eastern Europe: Belarus, the Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Caucasus, Romania, Moldova, Armenia. - Northern Europe: Estonia, Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Ireland, United Kingdom, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Finland, Iceland, Isle of Man. - Southern Europe: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Macedonia. - Asia: Nepal, China, India, Pakistan, Mongolia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan. - Middle East: Iran, Israel, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen. - North America: Canada, United States, Greenland, Central America, the Caribbean, Mexico, Bahamas, − South America: Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela. - Africa: Ethiopia, Egypt, Chad, Nigeria, Morocco. - Oceania: Vanuatu, Australia, Tonga, Solomon Islands, French Polynesia. §For subsets of samples without reported specific dates.


National Institute on Aging NIH Office of the Director the Suh Kyungbae Foundation the Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group Charles H. Hood Foundation Manton Center for Orphan Disease Research, Boston Children's Hospital


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