Springer Nature

Additional file 1: of Epigenetic prediction of complex traits and death

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posted on 2018-09-27, 05:00 authored by Daniel McCartney, Robert Hillary, Anna Stevenson, Stuart Ritchie, Rosie Walker, Qian Zhang, Stewart Morris, Mairead Bermingham, Archie Campbell, Alison Murray, Heather Whalley, Catharine Gale, David Porteous, Chris Haley, Allan McRae, Naomi Wray, Peter Visscher, Andrew McIntosh, Kathryn Evans, Ian Deary, Riccardo Marioni
DNAm signature CpGs and corresponding weights for BMI (Table S1), smoking (Table S2), alcohol consumption (Table S3), educational attainment (Table S4), total cholesterol (Table S5), HDL cholesterol (Table S6), LDL (with remnant) cholesterol (Table S7), Total:HDL cholesterol ratio (Table S8), waist-to-hip ratio (Table S9), and percentage body fat (Table S10). (XLSX 159 kb)


Wellcome Trust
