Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Dysbiosis, inflammation, and response to treatment: a longitudinal study of pediatric subjects with newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease

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posted on 2016-07-13, 05:00 authored by Kelly Shaw, Madeline Bertha, Tatyana Hofmekler, Pankaj Chopra, Tommi Vatanen, Abhiram Srivatsa, Jarod Prince, Archana Kumar, Cary Sauer, Michael Zwick, Glen Satten, Aleksandar Kostic, Jennifer Mulle, Ramnik Xavier, Subra Kugathasan
Microbiome samples sequencing and analysis summary. Contains a table that summarizes total reads, reads passing QC, and reads successfully classified under closed and de novo OTU-picking approaches for each sample. Also provided are the dysbiosis and Shannon index values for samples under the aforementioned approaches along with median values after 10,000 rarefactions (subsamplings) of the closed-reference.biom table. (XLSX 46 kb)
