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Additional file 1: of Collection of non-meconium stool on fecal occult blood cards is an effective method for fecal microbiota studies in infants

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posted on 2017-09-05, 05:00 authored by Wendy Wong, Nicole Clemency, Elisabeth Klein, Marina Provenzano, Ramaswamy Iyer, John Niederhuber, Suchitra Hourigan
Table S1: Software and R libraries used in the analysis. Table S2: P values from Adonis tests for different contrasts with different rarefaction cutoffs and different distance measures. Figure S1A: Rarefaction plot of number of assigned OTUs versus number of sequences from different storage conditions in meconium samples. The vertical line indicates the number of sequences used for the single rarefaction in analyses. Figure S1B: Rarefaction plot of number of assigned OTUs versus number of sequences from different storage conditions in stool samples. The vertical line indicates the number of sequences used for the single rarefaction in analyses. Figure S2: PCoA plots for all samples. Figure S3A. PCoA plots with Bray–Curtis, Jensen–Shannon divergence, unweighted UniFrac, and weighted UniFrac distance measures for meconium samples. Figure S3B. PCoA plots with Bray–Curtis, Jensen–Shannon divergence, unweighted UniFrac, and weighted UniFrac distance measures for stool samples. Compressed OTU file with all the samples at Family level: stoolAndMeconiumOTUByFamily.csv.zip. Compressed OTU file with all the samples at Genus level: stoolAndMeconiumOTUByGenus.csv.zip. (ZIP 3263 kb)
