Springer Nature

Additional file 1 of Assessment of a multiplex PCR and Nanopore-based method for dengue virus sequencing in Indonesia

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posted on 2020-02-14, 08:09 authored by Samuel Stubbs, Barbara Blacklaws, Benediktus Yohan, Frilasita Yudhaputri, Rahma Hayati, Brian Schwem, Edsel Salvaña, Raul Destura, James Lester, Khin Myint, R. Sasmono, Simon Frost
Additional file 1. Multiplex PCR primer information. List of PCR primer sequences used for multiplex amplification of dengue virus serotypes 1–4. Primer positions indicate the expected binding location based on the RefSeq genome for each serotype, with the appropriate accession number indicated in brackets. Two multiplex PCR reactions should be performed per sample, using either primers indicated as pool 1 or pool 2 in separate reactions.


Medical Research Council
