Springer Nature
12864_2018_4660_MOESM1_ESM.xlsx (9.29 kB)

Additional file 1: of Analysis of human ES cell differentiation establishes that the dominant isoforms of the lncRNAs RMST and FIRRE are circular

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posted on 2018-04-20, 05:00 authored by Osagie Izuogu, Abd Alhasan, Carla Mellough, Joseph Collin, Richard Gallon, Jonathon Hyslop, Francesco Mastrorosa, Ingrid Ehrmann, Majlinda Lako, David Elliott, Mauro Santibanez-Koref, Michael Jackson
Sequencing Quality Control. Data shows Illumina quality control metrics. PF = Passing chastity filter. Q30 = Phred quality score of 30 or above. (XLSX 9 kb)


Leverhulme Trust
