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Additional file 1: of A genome-wide analysis in cluster headache points to neprilysin and PACAP receptor gene variants

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posted on 2016-12-13, 05:00 authored by Elena Bacchelli, Maria Cainazzo, Cinzia Cameli, Simona Guerzoni, Angela Martinelli, Michele Zoli, Elena Maestrini, Luigi Pini
Supplemental Methods. Table S1. list of selected candidate genes, GO terms annotations, number of rare protein altering variants (PAV) contained in each gene, and gene-level P-values obtained from SKAT analysis. Table S2. list of rare PAV (MAF < 0.05) identified in CH cases and controls in 745 candidate genes. Table S3. P-values for single marker P-values of all tested SNPs. Table S4. logistic regression analysis. P-values for additive effect of SNPs controlling for sex as a covariate (P sex), and for sex, age and cigarettes per day (P sex, age, CPD). Table S5. Association analysis in CH cases and controls for significant migraine susceptibility SNPs emerged in meta-analysis. Figure S1. Principal component analysis (PCA) plot. Figure S2. Quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot of Fisher’s exact test P-values for association with cluster headache (CH). Figure S3. Local association plots for chromosome 14 locus (A) and the chromosome 7 locus (B) [17, 18, 24, 41]. (ZIP 6890 kb)


Ministero della Salute
