Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: Table S4. of HIF-1Îą promoted vasculogenic mimicry formation in hepatocellular carcinoma through LOXL2 up-regulation in hypoxic tumor microenvironment

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posted on 2017-04-27, 05:00 authored by Meili Wang, Xiulan Zhao, Dongwang Zhu, Tieju Liu, Xiaohui Liang, Fang Liu, Yanhui Zhang, Xueyi Dong, Baocun Sun
The GO analysis of biological process of genes which were upregulated between LOXL2 vs Control and CoCl2 vs Control. Legend: the GO terms of biological process of genes which were upregulated between LOXL2 vs Control and CoCl2 vs Control. (CSV 30 kb)


1.The National Natural Science Foundation of China
